
Sugar substitute FCC IV
€35.50 *
Content: 5 kg (Base price: €7.10 * / 1 kg)

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Ready for immediate shipment, delivery time approx. 1-3 workdays

Packaging sizes:

  • 11139-03
Product information "Erythritol"

Golden Peanut Erythritol is a polyol (sugar alcohol) produced by the fermentation of glucose. Erythritol occurs naturally in small amounts in foods such as cheese, pears, watermelons and grapes as well as in fermented liquids such as wine or soy sauce

It is suitable for diabetics as it has no influence on the blood sugar level. Erythritol has a glycemic index of 0, it is hardly metabolized by the body and is therefore classified as calorie-free. Erythritol, unlike sugar or other sweeteners, does not provide food for caries bacteria and is therefore considered tooth-friendly

The sweetening power of erythritol compared to household sugar is about 70%. Cooking and baking recipes in which sugar is replaced by erythritol must be converted accordingly.

Applications in food:

  • Candies
  • Chewing gum
  • Coatings (Dragees)
  • Soft sweets
  • Pastilles, gelatine and jellies
  • Tablets & Compressd Confectionery, Mints
  • Lozenges
  • Fondant
  • Fudge
  • Snack bars
  • Chocolate
  • Cakes
  • Biscuits
  • Cereals and dietary supplement bars
  • Glazes
  • Fillings
  • Ice
  • Dairy products
  • Frozen desserts
  • Water ice
  • Jam, marmalade
  • Syrup
  • Sauces
  • Fruits
  • 0 Calories
  • particularly tooth-friendly
  • suitable for low carb nutrition
  • 100% without genetic engineering
  • Suitable for diabetics
  • gluten-free and vegan
  • well tolerated
  • packed in an aroma-safe and sustainable food packaging
  • bottled in Germany

100% Erythritol

Nutrition information
per 100 g
Energy value 0,00 kj / 0,00 kcal
Fat 0,00 g
- of which saturated fatty acids 0,00 g
Carbohydrates 100,00 g
- of which sugars 0,00 g
davon Polyole 100,00 g
Dietary fiber 0,00 g
Protein 0,00 g
Salt 0,00 g

Use xylitol for home use just like conventional sugar to sweeten coffee, tea or desserts.
Approx. 70% sweetening power of conventional sugar. 1 tsp sugar corresponds to 1,5 tsp erythritol

Excessive consumption can have a laxative effect.
Erythritol is not suitable for cooking or caramelising.

Shelf life and storage

When stored under dry, cool conditions, the product has a shelf life of at least 2 years after the production date.

Our products are always packaged in pre-packaged packages marked with a batch number and an MHD (imprint or additional label). Until the date of the MHD, the manufacturer guarantees the product's unchanged properties in terms of appearance, taste and processing behaviour. It is not an expiration date as is the case with fresh produce, for example.

The origin of our products

Raw materials are subject to strict quality controls, which we naturally adhere to. When selecting suppliers in Germany and the countries of origin, we ensure that all European standards are met, that the products are tested in the laboratory and that the analytical data comply with the strict product specifications. Our suppliers have many years of experience and all the certifications required to ensure consistently high quality (e.g. ISO 22000, IFS, BRC, FSSC or similar). We regularly audit our suppliers on site in order to convince ourselves of these high standards and to control all processes in the supply chain.

We focus on sustainability and want to meet the highest demands. That is why Golden Peanut offers you products of German quality. All products, which originally come from different countries all over the world, are checked in Germany for residues and carefully controlled. Only if a perfect quality is determined, the raw materials are processed further in Germany or filled into finished packages. In order to ensure marketability, we have our product labels checked for correct declaration before they are placed on the market.

Product illustrations may differ in color, design and batch-related information.

  • We are certified organic by the inspection body DE-ÖKO-003 LACON
  • All products are filled in Germany under hygienically safe conditions
  • Bottling is regularly checked by the state food inspection authority and is carried out according to the HACCP concept
  • We only use aroma safe and food safe packaging with EU conformity certificate
  • Our product labels are checked by accredited laboratories for the correctness of the declaration
  • All processes in the supply chain are subject to regular controls by official bodies
  • We guarantee a complete traceability of all components of our products from the origin to the finished product
  • Our products are marketable in stationary trade by marking with scanable EAN barcodes

Should you require larger quantities (e.g. for your own distribution, also as private label), please do not hesitate to contact us.

Customer reviews for "Erythritol"
We check reviews on our products before they are published. Each review is individually checked to see if it was made by a consumer who actually purchased the products or services from us. An activation takes place only after 24 h at the earliest.
26 Apr 2021

Vielseitig und gut

Ich finde das Produkt sehr gut weil ich auf Zucker verzichten möchte. Meine Erfahrungswerte: Erythrit neigt beim abkühlen zum Kristallisieren, was zu leichtem Knirschen führen kann. Ich male das Erythrit vorher zu Puderzucker mit meinem TM. In der Pfanne sollte das Erythritol nicht zu heiß angewendet werden, da es sonst, wie auch Zucker sehr heiß wird und einen etwas bitteren Beigeschmack erhalten kann. Erythritol ist beim Karamellisieren nicht 1:1 wie Zucker anzuwenden weil es beim abkühlen etwas krümelig wird. Hier sollte man Sirup, Xanthan oder Guarkernmehl beigeben damit die Konsistenz etwas zäher wird.

19 Oct 2020


Schmeckt gut, und hat die richtige Konsistenz, allerdings etwas weniger Süßkraft.
Vom Preis her liegt es im unteren Mittelfeld, die Verpackung ist glücklicherweise hauptsächlich aus Pappe.
Von mir gibt es eine Kaufempfehlung.

18 Oct 2020

Tolles Produkt, besonders für low carbler die ich gerne backe.

Habe diesen Zucker Ersatz erst vor kurzem entdeckt, erst im Supermarkt zur Probe ein kleines Paket gekauft und getestet, für gut befunden und nun diese größere Packung bestellt. Super zum backen, was mit stevia nicht gut gelingt. Erythit hat keinen Nachgeschmack nach Süßstoff und bringt zum backen das erforderliche Volumen in den Teig. Die Süsskraft ist zwar nur 70 %von normalem Zucker, aber für low carb Ernährung ein echter Segen.

7 Sep 2020


Ist halt n Eimer voll Süßstoff. Schmeckt gut und war unbeschädigt angekommen. Ich misch den meistens mit stevia und Xucker damit keiner n übelen Nachgeschmack oder Nebenwirkungen hat. Hab ihn bisher noch nicht fürs Kochen benutzt aber Xucker eignete sich für ne Marinade für Pulled Pork.. schätze der geht auch. Mal sehn. Ist milder als Zucker und schmeckt leicht in Richtung Traubenzucker. Hab ihn nur gekauft weil er den Insulin spiegel nicht erhöht, keine Kohlenhydrate hat und selbst bei vermentierung nicht verdaut wird(und weil er weit billiger is als Xucker ._. Keto is echt teuer). Mein Blutzuckerspiegel is so tief das ich technisch gesehn kurz vorm Hirntot stehn sollte aber für ne Amazon rezension reichts noch :P

5 Aug 2020

Lecker & verträglich!

Das Produkt hat absolut keinen üblen Nebengeschmack. Auch wenn die Süßkraft geringer als bei Zucker ist mache ich nicht mehr rein. Man gewöhnt sich prima daran nicht so süß zu essen. Ich bin total zufrieden und verwende es täglich bei allem was ich koche, backe oder einfach süßen möchte. Für mich ist es gut verträgliche.

30 May 2020

Die perfekte Alternative zu Zucker!

Ich bin und bleibe eine Naschkatze und hatte nie Probleme mit dem Gewicht. Aber mit den Jahren habe auch ich festgestellt, dass die Pfunde heimlich nach oben wandern... daher verwende ich seit Jahren Erythritol als Zuckerersatzstoff. Ich verwende Golden Peanut Erythritol bei Pannengerichten und in Backwaren. Aber auch bei der Herstellung von Marmeladen und eingekochten Obst. Es stimmt, wenn es länger aufbewart wird, kann es zum Kristallisieren neigen, aber meistens ist alles was ich koche ruck, zuck verputzt.

2 Aug 2019

Ein hervorragendes Produkt

Ich soll die Produktbeschreibung nur in einem Punkt korrigieren: zur Herstellung von Gelee, Konfitüre und Marmelade dieses Produkt (Erythritol, Erythrit) ist nicht besonders gut geeignet, weil Erythrit zum Kristallisieren neigt. Für diese Zwecke verwendet man besser Xylit. Sonst das ist ein hervorragendes Produkt als Zuckerersatz. Wenn Sie noch mehr Hintergrundwissen benötigen, googeln Sie nach ‘Erythrit vs. Xylit‘. Ich verwende Erythrit am meisten zum Backen und Xylit zur Herstellung von Konfitüre. Dieses Produkt kann ich uneingeschränkt empfehlen und der Preis spricht auch für sich.

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30139-01 vorne Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
11200-01-KS Eryn & Stevie natural sugar substitute
Content 1 kg (Base price: €14.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
11161-01-KS Maltitol Powder Maltina
Content 1 kg (Base price: €12.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €12.50 *
11133-10-GI Glucose powder
Content 10 kg (Base price: €4.89 * / 1 kg)
€48.90 *
11005-02 Indian Psyllium Husks95 %
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €25.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €12.50 *
MSM Powder Methylsulfonylmethane MSM Powder Methylsulfonylmethane
Content 1 kg (Base price: €14.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.90 *
11006-02 Indian Premium Psyllium Husks99% Purity
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
11116-01 Sodium bicarbonate
Content 6 kg (Base price: €2.82 * / 1 kg)
As of €16.90 *
11007-01 Indian Psylliumwhole 99 % premium quality
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.99 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.99 *
11024-01 Guar gum 3.500 cps
Content 1 kg (Base price: €10.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €10.50 *
30118-01 Organic Pea Protein
Content 1 kg (Base price: €18.90 * / 1 kg)
€18.90 *
11081-01 Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.90 *
11117-01 Vital wheat gluten
Content 1 kg (Base price: €12.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €12.90 *
11027-05 Xanthan Gum
Content 1 kg (Base price: €19.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €19.50 *
Organic Spirulina pellets Organic Spirulina pellets
Content 1 kg (Base price: €21.00 * / 1 kg)
€21.00 *
30082-05 Organic Premium Psyllium Husks99
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €29.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.90 *
30081-05 Organic Psyllium Husks95
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
30077-04 Organic Maca Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €17.95 * / 1 kg)
As of €17.95 *
30123-01 Organic Rice Protein Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €20.90 * / 1 kg)
€20.90 *
11147-01 Skimmed milk powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
Locust bean gum Locust bean gum
Content 0.15 kg (Base price: €76.67 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.50 *
Apple pectin E 440 Apple pectin E 440
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €37.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €18.90 *
11118-02 Citric acid monohydrate
Content 5 kg (Base price: €4.10 * / 1 kg)
As of €20.50 *
11100-01 Guar gum 5.000 cps. high viscosity
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.50 *
11200-01-KS Eryn & Stevie natural sugar substitute
Content 1 kg (Base price: €14.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
30110-01-schoko Organic Psylliumwhole 99 % purity
Content 1 kg (Base price: €12.90 * / 1 kg)
€12.90 *
11191-01 Chia Seeds Salvia hispanica black-white
Content 1 kg (Base price: €9.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €9.50 *
11028-04 Agar Agar ground
Content 0.35 kg (Base price: €48.29 * / 1 kg)
As of €16.90 *
11015-02 L-Arginine Base Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €25.90 * / 1 kg)
€25.90 *
30117-02 Organic Chia Seed (Salvia hispanica)
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.50 * / 1 kg)
€13.50 *
30111-02-schoko Organic Psyllium Husksground 95
Content 1 kg (Base price: €25.50 * / 1 kg)
€25.50 *
11001-02 Indian Premium Psyllium Husks99 % ground
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €29.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue
Content 0.1 kg (Base price: €299.00 * / 1 kg)
€29.90 *
Organic Chlorella pellets Organic Chlorella pellets
Content 1 kg (Base price: €35.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €35.90 *
30113-02 Organic Psyllium Husk Powder99
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €31.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €15.50 *
11190-01 European Psylliumblack
Content 1 kg (Base price: €15.90 * / 1 kg)
€15.90 *
30152-02 Bio vital wheat gluten
Content 1 kg (Base price: €17.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €17.50 * €18.90 *
30600-02 Organic Chlorella Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €32.90 * / 1 kg)
€32.90 *
30139-01 vorne Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
11146-01 Whole milk powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
11139-03-KS Erythritol
Content 5 kg (Base price: €7.10 * / 1 kg)
€35.50 *
30601-02 Organic Spirulina Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €21.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €21.00 *
11139-03-KS Erythritol
Content 5 kg (Base price: €7.10 * / 1 kg)
€35.50 *
30148-02-KS Eryk - Organic erythritol without calories
Content 5 kg (Base price: €9.90 * / 1 kg)
€49.50 *
11200-01-KS Eryn & Stevie natural sugar substitute
Content 1 kg (Base price: €14.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
30123-01-NB NUR BIO® Rice protein 85% protein
Content 1 kg (Base price: €20.90 * / 1 kg)
€20.90 *
11146-01 Whole milk powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
11116-01 Sodium bicarbonate
Content 6 kg (Base price: €2.82 * / 1 kg)
As of €16.90 *
11007-01 Indian Psylliumwhole 99 % premium quality
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.99 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.99 *
18500-01 MSM Plus Tabletten 120St MSM + glucosamine, chondroitin, vitamin C
Content 0.108 kg (Base price: €143.52 * / 1 kg)
€15.50 *
18501-01 MSM-PUR-Tabletten_360St front MSM PUR | 360 Oblongtablets
Content 0.36 kg (Base price: €43.06 * / 1 kg)
€15.50 *
30078-02-NB Bio Guarana 250g vorne NUR BIO® Guarana powder
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €63.60 * / 1 kg)
As of €15.90 *
11081-10-GI Ascorbic acid vitamin C
Content 10 kg (Base price: €6.99 * / 1 kg)
€69.90 *
MSM Plus Glucosamine + Chondroitin + Vitamin C Tablets MSM Plus Glucosamine + Chondroitin + Vitamin C...
Content 0.108 kg (Base price: €134.26 * / 1 kg)
€14.50 * €15.50 *
30158-10-GI Organic Dextrose Bulk Pack
Content 10 kg (Base price: €3.29 * / 1 kg)
€32.90 *
11151-01_SP Whey Isolate Whey Protein Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €23.50 * / 1 kg)
€23.50 * €29.90 *
30117-10-Gl Organic Chia Seeds (Salvia hispanica)
Content 10 kg (Base price: €7.29 * / 1 kg)
€72.90 *
11007-10-GI Indian psyllium whole 99 % purity
Content 10 kg (Base price: €7.69 * / 1 kg)
€76.90 *
11116-10-GI Baking soda
Content 10 kg (Base price: €2.15 * / 1 kg)
€21.50 *
Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue
Content 0.1 kg (Base price: €299.00 * / 1 kg)
€29.90 *
11135-01-KS Dextrose monohydrate powder
Content 5 kg (Base price: €4.38 * / 1 kg)
€21.90 *
11161-01-KS Maltitol Powder Maltina
Content 1 kg (Base price: €12.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €12.50 *
30152-02 Bio vital wheat gluten
Content 1 kg (Base price: €17.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €17.50 * €18.90 *
30117-02 Organic Chia Seed (Salvia hispanica)
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.50 * / 1 kg)
€13.50 *
11000-01 Indian Psyllium Husks95 % ground
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
30118-01 Organic Pea Protein
Content 1 kg (Base price: €18.90 * / 1 kg)
€18.90 *
30110-01-schoko Organic Psylliumwhole 99 % purity
Content 1 kg (Base price: €12.90 * / 1 kg)
€12.90 *
Organic guar gum 3500 Organic guar gum 3500
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.90 * €12.90 *
11141-01 Guarana Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €32.50 * / 1 kg)
€32.50 *
11135-01 Dextrose monohydrate powder
Content 5 kg (Base price: €4.38 * / 1 kg)
€21.90 *
11191-01 Chia Seeds Salvia hispanica black-white
Content 1 kg (Base price: €9.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €9.50 *
11100-01 Guar gum 5.000 cps. high viscosity
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.50 *
11081-01 Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.90 *
11024-01 Guar gum 3.500 cps
Content 1 kg (Base price: €10.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €10.50 *
MSM Powder Methylsulfonylmethane MSM Powder Methylsulfonylmethane
Content 1 kg (Base price: €14.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.90 *
11006-02 Indian Premium Psyllium Husks99% Purity
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
Last viewed
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    We import raw materials directly from the source and control the entire supply chain up to the customer

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    Our many years of experience with food ingredients enable us to offer a consistently wide range of products

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    We remain true to our principles and act ecologically, in accordance with ethical principles and social standards

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    We process all raw materials according to the strictest European standards and the highest hygiene regulations

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    We support farmers and family farms in the countries of origin with fair trade conditions

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