Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid fine
€11.90 *
Content: 1 kg (Base price: €11.90 * / 1 kg)

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Ready for immediate shipment, delivery time approx. 1-3 workdays

Packaging sizes:

  • 11081-01
Product information "Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid"

Ascorbic acid is the chemical name for vitamin C and is one of the natural antioxidants. It is found in many fruits, vegetables and milk. In the human organism vitamin C is involved in the binding of free radicals as well as in the formation of collagen and carbohydrate metabolism. Our quality Ascorbic acid fine (40-120 mesh), complies with the European food regulation for additives and is suitable as a preservative in fruit, vegetables, meat products and canned food. Continuee Applications are the stabilization of the pH value in the production of beverages, dietary supplements and cosmetic products. Purity criteria according to EU regulation 2008/84/EG.

Effect: Ascorbic acid delays quality-reducing fermentation and ripening processes caused by the influence of oxygen, e.g. brown discoloration of cut fruit and vegetables. In meat products, ascorbic acid is often used together with nitrite curing salt to stabilize the reddening of meat products. The adhesive properties of whole grain flours can also be positively influenced by the use of ascorbic acid.

Production: Ascorbic acid is obtained in a multi-stage process (Reichenstein process) by fermentation of non-genetically modified raw materials (glucose from corn or tapioca starch). No genetically modified organisms are used in the entire production process.

Ascorbic acid is generally approved for use in foodstuffs without any quantitative limits. The only exceptions are untreated foodstuffs and foodstuffs which, according to the legislator, should not be altered by additives.

Note: Numerous foods (e.g. beverages) are enriched with ascorbic acid to increase the vitamin content. Only in this case may it be declared as vitamin C.

  • tested for harmful substances and microbiology
  • without additives of preservatives or dyestuffs
  • GMO free (not genetically modified)
  • neither chemically nor radioactively treated
  • aromatic and food safe packaging
  • bottled in Germany

Ascorbic acid (E 300) 100%

Nutrition information
per 100 g
Energy value 1.287,00 kj / 307,00 kcal
Fat 0,00 g
- of which saturated fatty acids 0,00 g
Carbohydrates 0,00 g
- of which sugars 0,00 g
Dietary fiber 0,00 g
Protein 0,00 g
Salt 0,00 g
Vitamin C 99,00 g

Ascorbic acid for enriching food and drinks with vitamin C in water, juice or smoothies and stir. Yoghurt or slightly sour dishes can also be refined with ascorbic acid. Sliced fruit does not brown so quickly if you roll it in ascorbic acid.

An excessive intake of ascorbic acid is normally harmless, as the human organism excretes the amount of vitamin C it does not need.

Shelf life and storage

When stored under dry, cool conditions, the product has a shelf life of at least 2 years after the production date.

Our products are always packaged in pre-packaged packages marked with a batch number and an MHD (imprint or additional label). Until the date of the MHD, the manufacturer guarantees the product's unchanged properties in terms of appearance, taste and processing behaviour. It is not an expiration date as is the case with fresh produce, for example.

The origin of our products

Raw materials are subject to strict quality controls, which we naturally adhere to. When selecting suppliers in Germany and the countries of origin, we ensure that all European standards are met, that the products are tested in the laboratory and that the analytical data comply with the strict product specifications. Our suppliers have many years of experience and all the certifications required to ensure consistently high quality (e.g. ISO 22000, IFS, BRC, FSSC or similar). We regularly audit our suppliers on site in order to convince ourselves of these high standards and to control all processes in the supply chain.

We focus on sustainability and want to meet the highest demands. That is why Golden Peanut offers you products of German quality. All products, which originally come from different countries all over the world, are checked in Germany for residues and carefully controlled. Only if a perfect quality is determined, the raw materials are processed further in Germany or filled into finished packages. In order to ensure marketability, we have our product labels checked for correct declaration before they are placed on the market.

Product illustrations may differ in color, design and batch-related information.

  • We are certified organic by the inspection body DE-ÖKO-003 LACON
  • All products are filled in Germany under hygienically safe conditions
  • Bottling is regularly checked by the state food inspection authority and is carried out according to the HACCP concept
  • We only use aroma safe and food safe packaging with EU conformity certificate
  • Our product labels are checked by accredited laboratories for the correctness of the declaration
  • All processes in the supply chain are subject to regular controls by official bodies
  • We guarantee a complete traceability of all components of our products from the origin to the finished product
  • Our products are marketable in stationary trade by marking with scanable EAN barcodes

Should you require larger quantities (e.g. for your own distribution, also as private label), please do not hesitate to contact us.

Customer reviews for "Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid"
We check reviews on our products before they are published. Each review is individually checked to see if it was made by a consumer who actually purchased the products or services from us. An activation takes place only after 24 h at the earliest.
19 Oct 2020

Vitamin CCC als Hochdosistheraphie richtig wohltuend.

ein Segen... am besten abpuffern, z.B. mit reinem Backnatron, und mit natürlichem Hagebutten- oder Aroniapulver mischen - regelmäßig. Übrigens: nur langsam reduzieren, sonst landet man schnell im besonderen VitaminC-Minus, weil der Körper freudig mit den großzügigen Mengen rechnet und etwas Zeit braucht, um den Mangel wieder halbwegs zu verwalten...

6 Oct 2020

Ascorbinsäure GMO-frei… Prima Ascorbinsäure auf Schadstoffe geprüft und mikrobiologisch untersucht (Herstellerangabe).

Ohne Zusätze und GMO-frei. Der Preis für 1kg geht in Ordnung. Ich stelle mir damit meine Vitamin C Kapseln selbst her. Und bevor das hier irgendwelche Schlauköpfe kommentieren: Vitamin C ist Vitamin C, ob künstlich hergestellt oder natürlich. Natürlich mische ich mein Vitamin C mit Bioflavonoiden und ich denke damit kommt 'mein' Vitamin C recht gut an das natürliche heran, welches ja ebenfalls mit Bioflavonoiden konsumiert wird (Obst, etc.). Das dazu. Gutes Produkt zum fairen Preis.
Fazit: Klare Kaufempfehlung.

4 Oct 2020

Gut für Immunsystem

Ich nehme je nach Bedarf (gesund oder kränklich) 1-5g täglich und bin seitdem nie wieder "richtig krank" gewesen...
Empfehlenswert für jeden der anfällig für Erkältungen etc. ist.

8 Sep 2020

Poolreinigung wie von Zauberhand

Ich habe die Säure gekauft um unseren Pool wieder sauber zu bekommen. Das Wasser war leicht rostig und schon anfänglich, grünlich. Ich bekam den Tipp von meinem Nachbarn und ich muss sagen, der Hammer. Ich habe bei laufender Pumpe (Kartuschen Filter) 3 gehäufte Esslöffel von dem Pulver direkt in die Pumpe gefüllt und konnte dabei zuschauen, wie das Wasser klarer und klarer wurde, der Filter gleich mit, wie von Zauberhand, Wahnsinn. Wir haben einen Pool von Durchmesser 376cm und Höhe 84cm. Die beste Investition, die ich seit langem getätigt habe. Paket war gut verpackt und kam normal schnell an. Absolute Kaufempfehlung?

7 Sep 2020

Gute Qualität und schön feinkörnig

Die Qualität der Ascorbinsäure (Vitamin C) ist sehr gut. Das Aussehen und der Geruch sind meinem Empfinden nach deutlich besser als z.B. bei der Ascorbinsäure von Greenfood. Auch die kleinere Körnung macht es schneller und einfacher wenn man die Ascorbinsäure in Wasser auflösen möchte. Ich werde das auch wieder kaufen

28 Aug 2020

Gute Qualität.

Für den täglichen Gebrauch in Küche und Haushalt, für die tägliche Zufuhr von Antioxidantien für die Gesundheit. Ein empfehlenswertes kostengünstiges Produkt eines Anbieters, dessen Service ausgezeichnet ist

24 Aug 2020

Ascorbinsäure für Pool

Habe die Ascorbinsäure für unseren Pool gekauft. Wir nehmen Brunnenwasser und die Ascorbinsäure verbindet sich mit dem Eisen und somit wird das Wasser wieder glasklar. Tolle Sache. .....

18 Aug 2020

Gute Ascorbinsäure (Vitamin C) für guten Preis.

Mein Mann und ich nutzen diese Ascorbinsäure zum Supplementierung von Vitamin C. Das Produkt ist und bisher gut bekommen und zeigt eine gute Wirkung. Günstiger geht es kaum. ich rühre es mir in ein Glas Wasser und trinke dieses über den Tag verteilt. Wenn das mal nicht geht verkapseln wir es selbst. Das Pulver klumpt nicht und ist daher gut zu verarbeiten

10 Aug 2020

Gute Qualität und sehr fein.

- Ich bin mit der Ascorbinsäure sehr zufrieden. Geruch und Aussehen sind in Ordnung. Ich mische mir jeden Tag 4 Gramm Vitamin C mit 3 Gramm Natron in eine 0.5 Liter Wasserflasche. Die bei mir sonst übliche "Mattigkeit" ist wie verflogen.

12 Jun 2020

Lecker und leicht löslich - TOP PREIS!!

Top Preis- / Leistungsverhältnis!! Im Gegensatz zu anderen Ascorbinsäuren schmeckt es nicht so künstlich, sondern frisch und prickelnd. Ich trinke es täglich als Vitamin-C Drink und verwende es wenn ich Obst und Gemüse koche. Auch beim Backen verwende ich es gern. Besonders Obstkuchen bleibt länger frisch!

26 Aug 2019

Golden Peanut Ascorbinsäure Vitamin C E 3oo

Ich brauchte die Säure um mein Poolwasser klar zu bekommen ! Dieses gelag vorzüglich das Wasser war noch wenigen Minuten total klar .
Wer sauberes Wasser haben möchte sollte die Säure anwenden !!!

2 Aug 2019

Schnelle Lieferung. Vielen Dank!

Alles gut, gerne wieder. Preis / Leistung sind top. Viele Tiere stellen täglich 10 bis 20 g Vitamin C auf gerechnet 75 kg Lebensmasse her. Wir Menschen brauchen nur 100 mg??? Das glaube ich nicht. Ich denke, der Vitaminmangel dient der Big-Pharma.

1 Aug 2019

SternenIn der Dose !

habe mir ein kilo in der dose bestellt
und muss sagen perfekt .
die dose hatt einen guten verschluss
und wird bestimmt bis zum ende ihren dienst tun.

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Fields marked with * are mandatory.

11512-05-GI Sodium diacetate E262 (ii)
Content 3.5 kg (Base price: €5.57 * / 1 kg)
€19.50 *
11526-05-GI Sodium acetate
Content 4 kg (Base price: €4.73 * / 1 kg)
€18.90 *
MSM Plus Glucosamine + Chondroitin + Vitamin C Tablets MSM Plus Glucosamine + Chondroitin + Vitamin C...
Content 0.108 kg (Base price: €134.26 * / 1 kg)
€14.50 * €15.50 *
11081-10-GI Ascorbic acid vitamin C
Content 10 kg (Base price: €6.99 * / 1 kg)
€69.90 *
11081-06 Vitamin C Nachfüllpack
Content 2.5 kg (Base price: €9.16 * / 1 kg)
€22.90 *
11116-01 Sodium bicarbonate
Content 6 kg (Base price: €2.82 * / 1 kg)
As of €16.90 *
11118-02 Citric acid monohydrate
Content 5 kg (Base price: €4.10 * / 1 kg)
As of €20.50 *
MSM Powder Methylsulfonylmethane MSM Powder Methylsulfonylmethane
Content 1 kg (Base price: €14.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.90 *
11116-01 Sodium bicarbonate
Content 6 kg (Base price: €2.82 * / 1 kg)
As of €16.90 *
11015-02 L-Arginine Base Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €25.90 * / 1 kg)
€25.90 *
30077-04 Organic Maca Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €17.95 * / 1 kg)
As of €17.95 *
30601-02 Organic Spirulina Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €21.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €21.00 *
30600-02 Organic Chlorella Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €32.90 * / 1 kg)
€32.90 *
11118-02 Citric acid monohydrate
Content 5 kg (Base price: €4.10 * / 1 kg)
As of €20.50 *
30082-05 Organic Premium Psyllium Husks99
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €29.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.90 *
Organic Chlorella pellets Organic Chlorella pellets
Content 1 kg (Base price: €35.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €35.90 *
11006-02 Indian Premium Psyllium Husks99% Purity
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
Organic Spirulina pellets Organic Spirulina pellets
Content 1 kg (Base price: €21.00 * / 1 kg)
€21.00 *
11022-04 Glucosamine HCl Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €25.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €25.90 *
Spirulina Platensis Algae Powder Spirulina Platensis Algae Powder
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
30117-02 Organic Chia Seed (Salvia hispanica)
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.50 * / 1 kg)
€13.50 *
11139-03 Erythritol
Content 5 kg (Base price: €7.10 * / 1 kg)
As of €35.50 *
Apple pectin E 440 Apple pectin E 440
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €37.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €18.90 *
30118-01 Organic Pea Protein
Content 1 kg (Base price: €18.90 * / 1 kg)
€18.90 *
30123-01 Organic Rice Protein Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €20.90 * / 1 kg)
€20.90 *
30081-05 Organic Psyllium Husks95
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
11146-01 Whole milk powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
01412-01 MSM Methylsulfonylmethane Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €18.50 * / 1 kg)
€18.50 *
11200-01-KS Eryn & Stevie natural sugar substitute
Content 1 kg (Base price: €14.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
11028-04 Agar Agar ground
Content 0.35 kg (Base price: €48.29 * / 1 kg)
As of €16.90 *
11027-05 Xanthan Gum
Content 1 kg (Base price: €19.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €19.50 *
11141-01 Guarana Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €32.50 * / 1 kg)
€32.50 *
11007-01 Indian Psylliumwhole 99 % premium quality
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.99 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.99 *
30077-04-NB NurBio® Maca Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €17.95 * / 1 kg)
€17.95 *
Bio Baobab Powder Bio Baobab Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €22.90 * / 1 kg)
€22.90 *
11147-01 Skimmed milk powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
11100-01 Guar gum 5.000 cps. high viscosity
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.50 *
Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue
Content 0.1 kg (Base price: €299.00 * / 1 kg)
€29.90 *
30110-01-schoko Organic Psylliumwhole 99 % purity
Content 1 kg (Base price: €12.90 * / 1 kg)
€12.90 *
11005-02 Indian Psyllium Husks95 %
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €25.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €12.50 *
11081-10-GI Ascorbic acid vitamin C
Content 10 kg (Base price: €6.99 * / 1 kg)
€69.90 *
30139-01 vorne Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
30113-02 Organic Psyllium Husk Powder99
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €31.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €15.50 *
11001-02 Indian Premium Psyllium Husks99 % ground
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €29.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
New Zealand Greenlipped Mussel Powder New Zealand Greenlipped Mussel Powder
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €51.00 * / 1 kg)
€25.50 *
11081-10-GI Ascorbic acid vitamin C
Content 10 kg (Base price: €6.99 * / 1 kg)
€69.90 *
11081-06 Vitamin C Nachfüllpack
Content 2.5 kg (Base price: €9.16 * / 1 kg)
€22.90 *
11000-01 Indian Psyllium Husks95 % ground
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
11191-01 Chia Seeds Salvia hispanica black-white
Content 1 kg (Base price: €9.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €9.50 *
11116-01 Sodium bicarbonate
Content 6 kg (Base price: €2.82 * / 1 kg)
As of €16.90 *
MSM Powder Methylsulfonylmethane MSM Powder Methylsulfonylmethane
Content 1 kg (Base price: €14.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.90 *
11015-02 L-Arginine Base Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €25.90 * / 1 kg)
€25.90 *
11006-02 Indian Premium Psyllium Husks99% Purity
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
50036 Organic berry mix physalis + goji
Content 1.4 kg (Base price: €18.21 * / 1 kg)
€25.50 *
18501-01 MSM-PUR-Tabletten_360St front MSM PUR | 360 Oblongtablets
Content 0.36 kg (Base price: €43.06 * / 1 kg)
€15.50 *
High-Fiber Chips Meersalz-Dill 12er Set High-Fiber Chips Meersalz-Dill 12er Set
Content 0.3 kg (Base price: €111.67 * / 1 kg)
€33.50 *
High-Fiber Chips gemischtes 12er Set High-Fiber Chips gemischtes 12er Set
Content 0.3 kg (Base price: €111.67 * / 1 kg)
€33.50 *
11701 High-Fiber Chips Sea Salt-Dill-Onion Style
Content 0.025 kg (Base price: €300.00 * / 1 kg)
€7.50 *
11116-04 Baking soda practical refill
Content 1 kg (Base price: €7.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €7.80 *
30078-02-NB Bio Guarana 250g vorne NUR BIO® Guarana powder
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €63.60 * / 1 kg)
As of €15.90 *
30025-01-NB NUR BIO® locust bean gum
Content 0.15 kg (Base price: €90.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
30600-02-NB NUR BIO® Chlorella powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €32.90 * / 1 kg)
€32.90 *
30123-01-NB NUR BIO® Rice protein 85% protein
Content 1 kg (Base price: €20.90 * / 1 kg)
€20.90 *
MSM Plus Glucosamine + Chondroitin + Vitamin C Tablets MSM Plus Glucosamine + Chondroitin + Vitamin C...
Content 0.108 kg (Base price: €134.26 * / 1 kg)
€14.50 * €15.50 *
30117-10-Gl Organic Chia Seeds (Salvia hispanica)
Content 10 kg (Base price: €7.29 * / 1 kg)
€72.90 *
11007-10-GI Indian psyllium whole 99 % purity
Content 10 kg (Base price: €7.69 * / 1 kg)
€76.90 *
30157-10-GI Organic coconut blossom sugar
Content 10 kg (Base price: €6.79 * / 1 kg)
€67.90 *
30157-02-KS COCO Organic coconut blossom sugar
Content 2 kg (Base price: €8.95 * / 1 kg)
As of €17.90 *
Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue
Content 0.1 kg (Base price: €299.00 * / 1 kg)
€29.90 *
30139-01-KS Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
30139-01-NB Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
14016-03-GN Lavender - whole flowers dried
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €39.60 * / 1 kg)
As of €9.90 *
30152-02 Bio vital wheat gluten
Content 1 kg (Base price: €17.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €17.50 * €18.90 *
30117-02 Organic Chia Seed (Salvia hispanica)
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.50 * / 1 kg)
€13.50 *
Organic Spirulina pellets Organic Spirulina pellets
Content 1 kg (Base price: €21.00 * / 1 kg)
€21.00 *
Organic Chlorella pellets Organic Chlorella pellets
Content 1 kg (Base price: €35.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €35.90 *
30601-02 Organic Spirulina Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €21.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €21.00 *
30139-01 vorne Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
30110-01-schoko Organic Psylliumwhole 99 % purity
Content 1 kg (Base price: €12.90 * / 1 kg)
€12.90 *
30082-05 Organic Premium Psyllium Husks99
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €29.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.90 *
30081-05 Organic Psyllium Husks95
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
11139-03 Erythritol
Content 5 kg (Base price: €7.10 * / 1 kg)
As of €35.50 *
11118-02 Citric acid monohydrate
Content 5 kg (Base price: €4.10 * / 1 kg)
As of €20.50 *
11007-01 Indian Psylliumwhole 99 % premium quality
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.99 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.99 *
11005-02 Indian Psyllium Husks95 %
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €25.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €12.50 *
Last viewed
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  • Qualität


    We import raw materials directly from the source and control the entire supply chain up to the customer

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    We remain true to our principles and act ecologically, in accordance with ethical principles and social standards

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    Safety and security

    We process all raw materials according to the strictest European standards and the highest hygiene regulations

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    Fair play

    We support farmers and family farms in the countries of origin with fair trade conditions

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