Apple pectin E 440

Natural gelling agent
€18.90 *
Content: 0.5 kg (Base price: €37.80 * / 1 kg)

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Ready for immediate shipment, delivery time approx. 1-3 workdays

Packaging sizes:

  • 11125-02
Product information "Apple pectin E 440"

Golden Peanut Apple Pectin belongs to the group of vegetable gelling agents. Pectin is mainly obtained from dried apple pomace and lemons, but is also found in sugar beet, raspberries, currants, quinces and other fruits.

Pectin is rich in fibre, but almost free of calories. It is suitable for preserving jam or jelly. Because the gelling process begins quickly when APfelpektin is used, the fruit does not need to be heated unnecessarily for long and valuable vitamins are retained. Just like agar agar, pectin cannot be used in a cold state.


  • Manufacture of jams and jellies
  • Manufacture of ice cream
  • Preparation of saturated beverages
  • Production of cake glaze

Application example for a cake glaze:

Mix approx. 100 ml fruit juice with a little lemon juice and sweeten as desired. Bring the mixture to the boil and stir in about 4 g Golden Peanut Apple Pectin. Spread the cake glaze evenly over the pastry.

  • without animal protein
  • suitable for vegetarians and vegans
  • natural substitute for gelatine
  • packed in an aroma-proof bag
  • tested for harmful substances and microbiology
  • gluten-free and lactose-free
  • without additives of preservatives or dyestuffs
  • packed in a food-safe and aroma-safe sealed-edge pouch
  • bottled in Germany

Apple pectin, food additive E 440 (100 %)

Nutrition information
per 100 g
Energy value 844,00 kj / 202,00 kcal
Fat 1,40 g
- of which saturated fatty acids < 0,10 g
Carbohydrates 7,30 g
- of which sugars 0,00 g
Dietary fiber 74,00 g
Protein 4,50 g
Salt < 0,07 g
Cholesterol 0,00 g

For preserving jam, 15 g of apple pectin are used for 1 kg of fruit.

Shelf life and storage

When stored under dry, cool conditions, the product has a shelf life of at least 2 years after the production date.

Our products are always packaged in pre-packaged packages marked with a batch number and an MHD (imprint or additional label). Until the date of the MHD, the manufacturer guarantees the product's unchanged properties in terms of appearance, taste and processing behaviour. It is not an expiration date as is the case with fresh produce, for example.

The origin of our products

Raw materials are subject to strict quality controls, which we naturally adhere to. When selecting suppliers in Germany and the countries of origin, we ensure that all European standards are met, that the products are tested in the laboratory and that the analytical data comply with the strict product specifications. Our suppliers have many years of experience and all the certifications required to ensure consistently high quality (e.g. ISO 22000, IFS, BRC, FSSC or similar). We regularly audit our suppliers on site in order to convince ourselves of these high standards and to control all processes in the supply chain.

We focus on sustainability and want to meet the highest demands. That is why Golden Peanut offers you products of German quality. All products, which originally come from different countries all over the world, are checked in Germany for residues and carefully controlled. Only if a perfect quality is determined, the raw materials are processed further in Germany or filled into finished packages. In order to ensure marketability, we have our product labels checked for correct declaration before they are placed on the market.

Product illustrations may differ in color, design and batch-related information.

  • We are certified organic by the inspection body DE-ÖKO-003 LACON
  • All products are filled in Germany under hygienically safe conditions
  • Bottling is regularly checked by the state food inspection authority and is carried out according to the HACCP concept
  • We only use aroma safe and food safe packaging with EU conformity certificate
  • Our product labels are checked by accredited laboratories for the correctness of the declaration
  • All processes in the supply chain are subject to regular controls by official bodies
  • We guarantee a complete traceability of all components of our products from the origin to the finished product
  • Our products are marketable in stationary trade by marking with scanable EAN barcodes

Should you require larger quantities (e.g. for your own distribution, also as private label), please do not hesitate to contact us.

Customer reviews for "Apple pectin E 440"
We check reviews on our products before they are published. Each review is individually checked to see if it was made by a consumer who actually purchased the products or services from us. An activation takes place only after 24 h at the earliest.
31 Jul 2021


Frage: Wie hoch ist der Grad der Veresterung ?

Admin 15 Oct 2021

Unser Pektin ist hochverestertes Pektin und amidiert.

19 Oct 2020

Entspricht den Vorstellungen. Marmeladen gehen gut.

18 Oct 2020

Auch nach einem dutzend Lieferungen alles ok.

Ich habe Apfelpektin nicht für Marmelade gekauft, sondern als Ballaststoff. Aber auch als Entgiftungsmittel. Deswegen lege ich auf Geschmack vielleicht nicht so viel Wert. In einem Reformmarkt habe ich für 10 Euro 100 gr. gekauft, im Vergleich ist der Apfel-Pektin aus dem Reformmarkt fruchtiger. Aber auch zehn Mal so teurer. Für mich wirkt das Pektin bei dieser Firma (GoldenPeanut) jedenfalls auch noch überzeugend und für meine Ansprüche genügend. Ich würd einfach mal sagen, wer Gelee machen will, muss für Qualität auch mehr zahlen. Folgendes nur als Ergänzung, es ist sicher nicht jeder Manns/Frau Sache. Als Ballaststoffen bekannt sind Weizenkleie, Dinkelkleie, Haferkleie, Chiasamen, Flohsamenschalen, und Leinsamen (bedingt). Flohsamenschalen wirken leicht abführend, Dinkel-, Weizenkleie und Haferkleie machen den Stuhl gewöhnlich breiig und weich. Pektin dagegen neigt eher zum Verstopfen, denn zum Abführen. Meiner Erfahrung nach sollte man wenn man einen empfindlichen Darm hat (bzw. gewisse Verstopfungsneigung hat) ab einer zugeführten Menge von 15 gr. Pektin an einem Tag mit Weizenkleie, Haferkleie (je einen geh. Esslöffel), oder Flohsamenschalen (ca. 3 gr.) ergänzen. Ballaststoffe deutlich über 30 Gramm am Tag sollte man nicht einnehmen, weil zuviel ist auch nicht gut für den Darm. Es ist kein Wundermittel, und arbeitet nur innerhalb des Darms. Als Ballaststoff wird das Pektin nicht in den Blutkreislauf aufgenommen. Übrigens: Wer gezielt entgiften will, muss also auch an mobilisierende Substanzen denken, zB Apfelsäure für Aluminium, Koriander für Quecksilber. Pektin bindet je nach Metall in unterschiedlicher Stärke diese Metalle, und auch lebenswichtige Mineralien wie Magnesium werden aus der Nahrung im Darm gebunden. Das erfordert, eine Pektin-Kur nur über kurze Zeit anzuwenden. Ich mache das immer für eine Woche, ergänze dabei mit Chlorella, Apfelsäure oder ähnlichem mobilisierenden Material. Dann mache ich eine längere Pause. Das Besondere an Pektin ist seine Fähigkeit Toxine zu binden, und besonders Schwermetalle und auch Aluminium. Das liegt an der stark positiven elektrischen Ladung (oder war es eine stark negative Ladung? - es ist jedenfalls die Bindungskraft, um die es geht): Jedenfalls haben Schwermetalle eine entgegengesetze elektrische Ladung zu Pektin, und daher bindet Pektin Schwermetalle im Darm. Auch bindet es Cholesterin und es gibt Studien dazu (im Kommentarbereich Link). Ich nehme etwa 10-30 gr. Pektin täglich, je nach Umständen bzw. wenn ich Lust drauf habe. Mehr an einem Tag ist sicher zuviel. Es ist sehr wichtig, viel dazu zu trinken. Damit das Pektin nicht verstopfend wirkt. Um das Pektin runter zu bekommen, gibt es meiner Erfahrung nach ein ganz einfaches Mittel. Man löst das Pektin in einem Glas oder einer Tasse mit genügend Wasser: gut umrühren. Es bilden sich kleine Klumpen, evtl. nachhelfen mit einer Gabel. Und das muss man alles nur noch runter schlucken. Wie einen Teig schlucken. Ohne kauen. Aber so ein Klumpen darf nicht zu dick sein, weil das gefährlich im Hals stecken bleiben kann! Deshalb gut umrühren und auf kleine Klumpen achten. Wenn man das Pektin als Pulver einnimmt, um es pur runter zu schlucken, verklebt es den Gaumen und Zähne - das ist äusserst unangenehm.

7 Sep 2020

Heutzutage unentbehrlich.

Bei den heutigen Obst bzw. Früchten wird es immer schwieriger eine vernünftige Konsistenz bei Marmelade zu erreichen. Hierfür ist Apfelpektin die perfekte Lösung. Auf jeden Fall sparsam verwenden !!

28 Aug 2020


Ich habe bereits Gummibärchen, Gelee und Marmelade damit gekocht. Ganz wunderbar, sobald man die Handhabung begriffen hat :D
Ist jedem zu empfehlen, der vieles selber machen mag.

24 Aug 2020

Nicht nur zum gelieren gut.

Tut dem Darm gut.

18 Aug 2020

Marmelade kochen ohne viel Zucker.

Apfelpektin ist das klassische Geliermittel für Marmeladen. In diesem Zustand (pur!) kann ich selber die Zuckermenge festlegen. Das kommt mir sehr entgegen.

1 Aug 2019

Guter, schneller Service

Schnelle Lieferung, alles wie beschrieben, bin sehr zufrieden damit!

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Fields marked with * are mandatory.

11028-04 Agar Agar ground
Content 0.35 kg (Base price: €48.29 * / 1 kg)
As of €16.90 *
Locust bean gum Locust bean gum
Content 0.15 kg (Base price: €76.67 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.50 *
11116-01 Sodium bicarbonate
Content 6 kg (Base price: €2.82 * / 1 kg)
As of €16.90 *
11118-02 Citric acid monohydrate
Content 5 kg (Base price: €4.10 * / 1 kg)
As of €20.50 *
11028-04 Agar Agar ground
Content 0.35 kg (Base price: €48.29 * / 1 kg)
As of €16.90 *
Dry Glucose Powder Dry Glucose Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €10.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €10.50 *
11027-05 Xanthan Gum
Content 1 kg (Base price: €19.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €19.50 *
11024-01 Guar gum 3.500 cps
Content 1 kg (Base price: €10.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €10.50 *
11135-01 Dextrose monohydrate powder
Content 5 kg (Base price: €4.38 * / 1 kg)
€21.90 *
11100-01 Guar gum 5.000 cps. high viscosity
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.50 *
11081-01 Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.90 *
11147-01 Skimmed milk powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
Organic guar gum 3500 Organic guar gum 3500
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.90 * €12.90 *
30082-05 Organic Premium Psyllium Husks99
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €29.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.90 *
11146-01 Whole milk powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
11200-01-KS Eryn & Stevie natural sugar substitute
Content 1 kg (Base price: €14.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
11139-03 Erythritol
Content 5 kg (Base price: €7.10 * / 1 kg)
As of €35.50 *
MSM Powder Methylsulfonylmethane MSM Powder Methylsulfonylmethane
Content 1 kg (Base price: €14.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.90 *
Bio Baobab Powder Bio Baobab Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €22.90 * / 1 kg)
€22.90 *
11007-01 Indian Psylliumwhole 99 % premium quality
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.99 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.99 *
11005-02 Indian Psyllium Husks95 %
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €25.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €12.50 *
11006-02 Indian Premium Psyllium Husks99% Purity
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
Arrowroot starch Arrowroot starch
Content 1 kg (Base price: €15.90 * / 1 kg)
€15.90 *
30600-02 Organic Chlorella Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €32.90 * / 1 kg)
€32.90 *
30113-02 Organic Psyllium Husk Powder99
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €31.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €15.50 *
30110-01-schoko Organic Psylliumwhole 99 % purity
Content 1 kg (Base price: €12.90 * / 1 kg)
€12.90 *
30117-02 Organic Chia Seed (Salvia hispanica)
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.50 * / 1 kg)
€13.50 *
Organic Chlorella pellets Organic Chlorella pellets
Content 1 kg (Base price: €35.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €35.90 *
30601-02 Organic Spirulina Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €21.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €21.00 *
11117-01 Vital wheat gluten
Content 1 kg (Base price: €12.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €12.90 *
Spirulina Platensis Algae Powder Spirulina Platensis Algae Powder
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
30077-04 Organic Maca Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €17.95 * / 1 kg)
As of €17.95 *
Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue
Content 0.1 kg (Base price: €299.00 * / 1 kg)
€29.90 *
30142-02-NB Bio Psyllium HusksSnow White DE-ÖKO-003
Content 1 kg (Base price: €24.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €24.50 *
30118-01 Organic Pea Protein
Content 1 kg (Base price: €18.90 * / 1 kg)
€18.90 *
11001-02 Indian Premium Psyllium Husks99 % ground
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €29.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
30025-01-NB NUR BIO® locust bean gum
Content 0.15 kg (Base price: €90.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
30077-04-NB NurBio® Maca Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €17.95 * / 1 kg)
€17.95 *
30152-02 Bio vital wheat gluten
Content 1 kg (Base price: €17.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €17.50 * €18.90 *
11000-01 Indian Psyllium Husks95 % ground
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
11031-01 Tapioca starch
Content 1 kg (Base price: €9.50 * / 1 kg)
€9.50 *
11100-01 Guar gum 5.000 cps. high viscosity
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.50 *
11028-04 Agar Agar ground
Content 0.35 kg (Base price: €48.29 * / 1 kg)
As of €16.90 *
Arrowroot starch Arrowroot starch
Content 1 kg (Base price: €15.90 * / 1 kg)
€15.90 *
Dry Glucose Powder Dry Glucose Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €10.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €10.50 *
30149-02-KS front Eryk & Stina - Organic Erythritol-Stevia Mix
Content 0.35 kg (Base price: €28.29 * / 1 kg)
€9.90 *
30157-02-KS COCO Organic coconut blossom sugar
Content 2 kg (Base price: €8.95 * / 1 kg)
As of €17.90 *
11133-02-KS Dry Glucose Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €10.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €10.90 *
11200-01-KS Eryn & Stevie natural sugar substitute
Content 1 kg (Base price: €14.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
Bio Baobab Powder Bio Baobab Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €22.90 * / 1 kg)
€22.90 *
Organic guar gum 3500 Organic guar gum 3500
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.90 * €12.90 *
11141-01 Guarana Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €32.50 * / 1 kg)
€32.50 *
11027-05 Xanthan Gum
Content 1 kg (Base price: €19.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €19.50 *
Locust bean gum Locust bean gum
Content 0.15 kg (Base price: €76.67 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.50 *
11024-01 Guar gum 3.500 cps
Content 1 kg (Base price: €10.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €10.50 *
Spirulina Platensis Algae Powder Spirulina Platensis Algae Powder
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
18500-01 MSM Plus Tabletten 120St MSM + glucosamine, chondroitin, vitamin C
Content 0.108 kg (Base price: €143.52 * / 1 kg)
€15.50 *
18501-01 MSM-PUR-Tabletten_360St front MSM PUR | 360 Oblongtablets
Content 0.36 kg (Base price: €43.06 * / 1 kg)
€15.50 *
30507-02 NUR BIO® organic olive oil
Content 0.75 Liter (Base price: €38.53 * / 1 Liter)
€28.90 *
30123-01-NB NUR BIO® Rice protein 85% protein
Content 1 kg (Base price: €20.90 * / 1 kg)
€20.90 *
30158-01 Trixie Organic Dextrose Powder
Content 5 kg (Base price: €4.70 * / 1 kg)
€23.50 *
30132-03 Whole Organic Physalis Berries
Content 1 kg (Base price: €24.90 * / 1 kg)
€24.90 *
11007-10-GI Indian psyllium whole 99 % purity
Content 10 kg (Base price: €7.69 * / 1 kg)
€76.90 *
30157-10-GI Organic coconut blossom sugar
Content 10 kg (Base price: €6.79 * / 1 kg)
€67.90 *
30506-01-NB Organic Chia Oil
Content 0.25 Liter (Base price: €59.80 * / 1 Liter)
As of €14.95 *
11135-10-GI Dextrose monohydrate
Content 10 kg (Base price: €2.99 * / 1 kg)
€29.90 *
11024-10-GI Guar gum 3.500 cps
Content 10 kg (Base price: €4.69 * / 1 kg)
€46.90 *
Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue
Content 0.1 kg (Base price: €299.00 * / 1 kg)
€29.90 *
11135-01-KS Dextrose monohydrate powder
Content 5 kg (Base price: €4.38 * / 1 kg)
€21.90 *
11139-03-KS Erythritol
Content 5 kg (Base price: €7.10 * / 1 kg)
€35.50 *
11161-01-KS Maltitol Powder Maltina
Content 1 kg (Base price: €12.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €12.50 *
11190-01-HD European Psylliumblack
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.50 * / 1 kg)
€13.50 * €15.90 *
30139-01-KS Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
30148-02-KS Eryk - Organic erythritol without calories
Content 5 kg (Base price: €9.90 * / 1 kg)
€49.50 *
30152-02 Bio vital wheat gluten
Content 1 kg (Base price: €17.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €17.50 * €18.90 *
11000-01 Indian Psyllium Husks95 % ground
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
30601-02 Organic Spirulina Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €21.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €21.00 *
30600-02 Organic Chlorella Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €32.90 * / 1 kg)
€32.90 *
11147-01 Skimmed milk powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
11146-01 Whole milk powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
Last viewed
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  • Qualität


    We import raw materials directly from the source and control the entire supply chain up to the customer

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    Our many years of experience with food ingredients enable us to offer a consistently wide range of products

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    We remain true to our principles and act ecologically, in accordance with ethical principles and social standards

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    Safety and security

    We process all raw materials according to the strictest European standards and the highest hygiene regulations

  • Fairplay

    Fair play

    We support farmers and family farms in the countries of origin with fair trade conditions

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