Organic Maca Powder

Peruvian maca root ground
€17.95 *
Content: 1 kg (Base price: €17.95 * / 1 kg)

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Ready for immediate shipment, delivery time approx. 1-3 workdays

Packaging sizes:

  • 30077-04
Product information "Organic Maca Powder"

The Maca plant was already an important part of the Incas' diet to recharge their batteries. It has been cultivated for centuries in the plateau (Lepedium peruvianum Chacon) of the Peruvian Andes. Golden Peanut Bio Maca Powder comes exclusively from the highest growing areas (Junin Plateau at about 4200 meters above sea level), where the most resistant plants grow. Today, Maca is an insider tip for nutritionists and athletes.

Information about the origin:

Raw material prices can fluctuate strongly depending on the product. A few years ago, the price of Maca powder skyrocketed to such an extent that Maca was hardly available on the European market. This was due to the fact that the Chinese bought almost all of the Peruvian crop yields in order to cultivate the product in China. Since the beginning of 2015, prices have fallen again and the new harvest is available on the world market

Meanwhile, China also sells Maca powder grown there to Europe. Chinaware is very different from the Peruvian Maca root. There are significantly fewer vital substances contained, the smell and taste are completely different. Since Chinese maca has a rather unpleasant taste, the product is often stretched with dextrose. When buying Maca powder, make sure that the origin is stated. Only Maca powder from the Peruvian Andes has the much appreciated good qualities and is often called "power root" by connoisseurs.

  • pure natural product from direct import
  • 100% pure Maca powder, no mixture
  • free from preservatives or other additives
  • neither chemically nor radioactively treated
  • gluten-free and vegan
  • Original Maca powder from Peru / Junin Plateau (4200 m.ü.HN)
  • aromatically safe and food-safe packaging
  • bottled in Germany

Organic Maca Powder (100%) from Peru

Nutrition information
per 100 g
Energy value 1.503,06 kj / 359,00 kcal
Fat 0,90 g
- of which saturated fatty acids 0,30 g
- of which unsaturated fatty acids 0,00 g
Carbohydrates 76,10 g
- of which sugars 30,50 g
Dietary fiber 25,60 g
Protein 11,65 g
Salt 0,23 g
Cholesterol 0,00 g
Kalzium 3.515,08 mg
Consumption recommendation

Consume 5 - 10 g of organic maca powder daily (equivalent to approx. 1 - 2 level teaspoons) dissolved in a milk shake, yoghurt or fruit juice. The product is ideal for preparing smoothies.

Shelf life and storage

When stored under dry, cool conditions, the product has a shelf life of at least 2 years after the production date.

Our products are always packaged in pre-packaged packages marked with a batch number and an MHD (imprint or additional label). Until the date of the MHD, the manufacturer guarantees the product's unchanged properties in terms of appearance, taste and processing behaviour. It is not an expiration date as is the case with fresh produce, for example.

The origin of our products

Raw materials are subject to strict quality controls, which we naturally adhere to. When selecting suppliers in Germany and the countries of origin, we ensure that all European standards are met, that the products are tested in the laboratory and that the analytical data comply with the strict product specifications. Our suppliers have many years of experience and all the certifications required to ensure consistently high quality (e.g. ISO 22000, IFS, BRC, FSSC or similar). We regularly audit our suppliers on site in order to convince ourselves of these high standards and to control all processes in the supply chain.

We focus on sustainability and want to meet the highest demands. That is why Golden Peanut offers you products of German quality. All products, which originally come from different countries all over the world, are checked in Germany for residues and carefully controlled. Only if a perfect quality is determined, the raw materials are processed further in Germany or filled into finished packages. In order to ensure marketability, we have our product labels checked for correct declaration before they are placed on the market.

Product illustrations may differ in color, design and batch-related information.

  • We are certified organic by the inspection body DE-ÖKO-003 LACON
  • All products are filled in Germany under hygienically safe conditions
  • Bottling is regularly checked by the state food inspection authority and is carried out according to the HACCP concept
  • We only use aroma safe and food safe packaging with EU conformity certificate
  • Our product labels are checked by accredited laboratories for the correctness of the declaration
  • All processes in the supply chain are subject to regular controls by official bodies
  • We guarantee a complete traceability of all components of our products from the origin to the finished product
  • Our products are marketable in stationary trade by marking with scanable EAN barcodes

Should you require larger quantities (e.g. for your own distribution, also as private label), please do not hesitate to contact us.

Customer reviews for "Organic Maca Powder"
We check reviews on our products before they are published. Each review is individually checked to see if it was made by a consumer who actually purchased the products or services from us. An activation takes place only after 24 h at the earliest.
19 Oct 2020

Tolle Qualität.

Ich hatte es von einem Freund empfohlen bekommen, der begonnen hatte, alle 2 Tage etwa 20 Minuten zu trainieren. Die Qualität ist wirklich top. Bei mir hat die Wirkung nach etwa 1 Woche eingesetzt.

6 Oct 2020

Sehr gute Qualität und beste Preis/Leistung

Tolle Qualität. Die Wirkung spürte sowohl ich als meine Freundin schon nach ca. 3 Tagen. Wer öffters sex haben will, soll sich das Produkt auf jeden Fall kaufen. Zudem hilft es unheimlich gut beim intensiven Sport

4 Oct 2020

Guter Geschmack.

Ich bin mit den Macapulver zufrieden. Es schmeckt nach Karamel, ich esse es mit Joghurt und Apfel. Andere Obstsorten hab ich auch ausprobiert aber keine passt so gut wie Apfel zum Macapulver

26 Sep 2020

Gute Qualität.

Ziemlich gute Qualität, habe schon viele Sorten ausprobiert. Das Preis Leistungs Verhältnis ist unschlagbar! In diesem Sinne klare Empfehlung von mir!

14 Sep 2020

Schnelle Lieferung, gleichbleibende Qualität

Ich hab es schon vier Mal bestellt. Die Lieferung ging sehr schnell und es war immer die gleiche Qualität (Maca löst sich nicht in Wasser, aber das ist immer so!). Geschmack und Geruch sind angenehm und nicht verbrannt/aschig. Einen Punkt ziehe ich ab, weil sie nicht klarmachen, ob es direkt gemahlen wird oder vierfach konzentriert (Aufschrift 4:1)... Früher stand es drauf und heute nicht mehr, obwohl es das selbe Produkt ist (siehe Nährwerttabelle).

28 Aug 2020

Very good

Very good quality. It works! I have way more energy and better mood.

18 Aug 2020

Powerpulver mit Wirkung.

Maca Pulver Superfood mit hohem Eiweißanteil, besser als andere Shakes, lässt sich gut mixen im Handshaker und schmeckt auch im Müsli.

10 Aug 2020

Toller Geschmack

toller Geschmack, Pulver lässt sich leichter auflösen als so manch anderes Maca Pulver ( mit dem Löffel umrühren geht ).
Insgesamt eine Empfehlung wert.

10 Aug 2020

Very good

Very good quality. It works! I have way more energy and better mood.

4 Aug 2020


Lieferung am nächsten Tag und sofort ausprobiert. Sehr hohe Qualität und sehr gut verpackt. Kann noch keine Angaben über Langzeitwirkung machen habe aber dies bezüglich aber überhaupt keine Sorgen!! Die Wirkung als solche wird eh erst nach einer gewissen Zeit zu verzeichnen sein. Aber eines hab ich schon feststellen können, ich schlafe seid der Einnahme besser und länger durch! Im Netz finden sich Anleitungen zu hunderten. Von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung!

23 Aug 2019

Golden Peanut Bio Maca Pulver 4:1 Extrakt,...

Funktioniert. Gute Power in den Tag...Nach einigen Wochen merkt man dann auch , dass Kaffee gar nicht so pushend. Kaffeekonsum gesunken...

2 Aug 2019

Ein kleiner Alleskönner, wirkt offenbar tatsächlich.

Täglich ein Teelöffel scheint für mich die perfekte Dosis zu sein. Ich habe mehr Power bei der Arbeit, ich bin meistens stressresistenter, lasse mich nicht mehr so leicht aus der Ruhe bringen. Nach ca. 2-3 Wochen zeichnete sich auch langsam, wenn auch noch unregelmäßig, eine spürbare Wirkung gegen die stressbedingt zuletzt fast ausgebliebene Lust ab. Auch habe ich das Gefühl, klarer und konzentrierter unterwegs zu sein. Ob das ein Placebo-Effekt ist oder diese Wurzel wirklich hilft? Keine Ahnung.
Geschmacklich ist dieses Maca völlig okay, schmeckt halt ein wenig wie leicht angebranntes Karamell mit einem leichten Hauch von Rettich. Mit Flaschenmineralwasser löst sich das Pulver deutlich besser auf als mit Leitungswasser. Anfahgs probierte ich mit Milch und anderen Getränken herum, mittlerweile trinke ich es pur in Mineralwasser. Am besten ist es , eine 0,2l-Flasche mit dem Pulver zu befüllen, die Flasche zu 2/3 vollzumachen und gut zu schütteln. Nach wenigen Stunden verändert sich der Geschmack des Macapulvers allerdings und ist deutlich schärfer, weniger karamellig. Ich mag es aber sowieso scharf, sodass ich das fast lieber mag als wenn ich es gerade zubereitet habe.
Ich denke, sobald die Dose alle ist (sie sieht eigentlich fast aus wie eine dieser Muckibuden-Proteinpulverdosen, haha), werd ich genau dieses Zeug wieder nachordern.

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11141-01 Guarana Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €32.50 * / 1 kg)
€32.50 *
30139-01 vorne Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
30139-01-NB Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
30139-01-KS Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
MSM Powder Methylsulfonylmethane MSM Powder Methylsulfonylmethane
Content 1 kg (Base price: €14.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.90 *
11015-02 L-Arginine Base Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €25.90 * / 1 kg)
€25.90 *
30600-02 Organic Chlorella Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €32.90 * / 1 kg)
€32.90 *
30601-02 Organic Spirulina Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €21.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €21.00 *
11081-01 Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.90 *
11141-01 Guarana Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €32.50 * / 1 kg)
€32.50 *
30117-02 Organic Chia Seed (Salvia hispanica)
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.50 * / 1 kg)
€13.50 *
Organic Spirulina pellets Organic Spirulina pellets
Content 1 kg (Base price: €21.00 * / 1 kg)
€21.00 *
11116-01 Sodium bicarbonate
Content 6 kg (Base price: €2.82 * / 1 kg)
As of €16.90 *
Bio Baobab Powder Bio Baobab Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €22.90 * / 1 kg)
€22.90 *
30118-01 Organic Pea Protein
Content 1 kg (Base price: €18.90 * / 1 kg)
€18.90 *
30123-01 Organic Rice Protein Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €20.90 * / 1 kg)
€20.90 *
New Zealand Greenlipped Mussel Powder New Zealand Greenlipped Mussel Powder
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €51.00 * / 1 kg)
€25.50 *
Organic Chlorella pellets Organic Chlorella pellets
Content 1 kg (Base price: €35.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €35.90 *
30082-05 Organic Premium Psyllium Husks99
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €29.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.90 *
11007-01 Indian Psylliumwhole 99 % premium quality
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.99 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.99 *
30081-05 Organic Psyllium Husks95
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
11001-02 Indian Premium Psyllium Husks99 % ground
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €29.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
30110-01-schoko Organic Psylliumwhole 99 % purity
Content 1 kg (Base price: €12.90 * / 1 kg)
€12.90 *
30113-02 Organic Psyllium Husk Powder99
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €31.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €15.50 *
11139-03 Erythritol
Content 5 kg (Base price: €7.10 * / 1 kg)
As of €35.50 *
Spirulina Platensis Algae Powder Spirulina Platensis Algae Powder
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
11006-02 Indian Premium Psyllium Husks99% Purity
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
14016-03-GN Lavender - whole flowers dried
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €39.60 * / 1 kg)
As of €9.90 *
11118-02 Citric acid monohydrate
Content 5 kg (Base price: €4.10 * / 1 kg)
As of €20.50 *
30077-04-NB NurBio® Maca Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €17.95 * / 1 kg)
€17.95 *
11117-01 Vital wheat gluten
Content 1 kg (Base price: €12.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €12.90 *
30111-02-schoko Organic Psyllium Husksground 95
Content 1 kg (Base price: €25.50 * / 1 kg)
€25.50 *
11027-05 Xanthan Gum
Content 1 kg (Base price: €19.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €19.50 *
11005-02 Indian Psyllium Husks95 %
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €25.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €12.50 *
30152-02 Bio vital wheat gluten
Content 1 kg (Base price: €17.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €17.50 * €18.90 *
11191-01 Chia Seeds Salvia hispanica black-white
Content 1 kg (Base price: €9.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €9.50 *
11000-01 Indian Psyllium Husks95 % ground
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.50 *
30139-01 vorne Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
11146-01 Whole milk powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
Locust bean gum Locust bean gum
Content 0.15 kg (Base price: €76.67 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.50 *
Apple pectin E 440 Apple pectin E 440
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €37.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €18.90 *
30123-01-NB NUR BIO® Rice protein 85% protein
Content 1 kg (Base price: €20.90 * / 1 kg)
€20.90 *
Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue Blue Spirulina Powder Sea Blue
Content 0.1 kg (Base price: €299.00 * / 1 kg)
€29.90 *
50036 Organic berry mix physalis + goji
Content 1.4 kg (Base price: €18.21 * / 1 kg)
€25.50 *
30078-02-NB Bio Guarana 250g vorne NUR BIO® Guarana powder
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €63.60 * / 1 kg)
As of €15.90 *
30132-03 Whole Organic Physalis Berries
Content 1 kg (Base price: €24.90 * / 1 kg)
€24.90 *
11146-10-GI Whole milk powder
Content 10 kg (Base price: €6.89 * / 1 kg)
€68.90 *
14016-03-GN Lavender - whole flowers dried
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €39.60 * / 1 kg)
As of €9.90 *
Organic Chlorella pellets Organic Chlorella pellets
Content 1 kg (Base price: €35.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €35.90 *
30123-01 Organic Rice Protein Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €20.90 * / 1 kg)
€20.90 *
30113-02 Organic Psyllium Husk Powder99
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €31.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €15.50 *
11116-01 Sodium bicarbonate
Content 6 kg (Base price: €2.82 * / 1 kg)
As of €16.90 *
18501-01 MSM-PUR-Tabletten_360St front MSM PUR | 360 Oblongtablets
Content 0.36 kg (Base price: €43.06 * / 1 kg)
€15.50 *
High-Fiber Chips gemischtes 12er Set High-Fiber Chips gemischtes 12er Set
Content 0.3 kg (Base price: €111.67 * / 1 kg)
€33.50 *
NUR BIO® Chlorella powder NUR BIO® Chlorella powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €21.00 * / 1 kg)
€21.00 *
30124-01-NB NurBio® Baobab fruit powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €22.90 * / 1 kg)
€22.90 *
30123-01-NB NUR BIO® Rice protein 85% protein
Content 1 kg (Base price: €20.90 * / 1 kg)
€20.90 *
11146-02-GPA Whole milk powder
Content 0.6 kg (Base price: €15.83 * / 1 kg)
As of €9.50 *
30158-01 Trixie Organic Dextrose Powder
Content 5 kg (Base price: €4.70 * / 1 kg)
€23.50 *
11100-10-GI Guar gum 5.000 cps
Content 10 kg (Base price: €4.79 * / 1 kg)
€47.90 *
30157-02-KS COCO Organic coconut blossom sugar
Content 2 kg (Base price: €8.95 * / 1 kg)
As of €17.90 *
30077-04-NB NurBio® Maca Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €17.95 * / 1 kg)
€17.95 *
30139-01-KS Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
30139-01-NB Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
11200-01-KS Eryn & Stevie natural sugar substitute
Content 1 kg (Base price: €14.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
Organic Spirulina pellets Organic Spirulina pellets
Content 1 kg (Base price: €21.00 * / 1 kg)
€21.00 *
30601-02 Organic Spirulina Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €21.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €21.00 *
30600-02 Organic Chlorella Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €32.90 * / 1 kg)
€32.90 *
30139-01 vorne Organic Yacon Syrup
Content 0.25 kg (Base price: €58.00 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.50 *
Bio Baobab Powder Bio Baobab Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €22.90 * / 1 kg)
€22.90 *
30118-01 Organic Pea Protein
Content 1 kg (Base price: €18.90 * / 1 kg)
€18.90 *
30082-05 Organic Premium Psyllium Husks99
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €29.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €14.90 *
11146-01 Whole milk powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €13.90 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
11141-01 Guarana Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €32.50 * / 1 kg)
€32.50 *
11024-01 Guar gum 3.500 cps
Content 1 kg (Base price: €10.50 * / 1 kg)
As of €10.50 *
Spirulina Platensis Algae Powder Spirulina Platensis Algae Powder
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
11007-01 Indian Psylliumwhole 99 % premium quality
Content 1 kg (Base price: €11.99 * / 1 kg)
As of €11.99 *
11015-02 L-Arginine Base Powder
Content 1 kg (Base price: €25.90 * / 1 kg)
€25.90 *
11006-02 Indian Premium Psyllium Husks99% Purity
Content 0.5 kg (Base price: €27.80 * / 1 kg)
As of €13.90 *
Last viewed
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  • Qualität


    We import raw materials directly from the source and control the entire supply chain up to the customer

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    Our many years of experience with food ingredients enable us to offer a consistently wide range of products

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    We remain true to our principles and act ecologically, in accordance with ethical principles and social standards

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    We process all raw materials according to the strictest European standards and the highest hygiene regulations

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    We support farmers and family farms in the countries of origin with fair trade conditions

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